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Soft Cooler CareUpdated 2 months ago

Keep your cooler out of direct heat/sunlight, or use tarps and towels to cover it for protection from the sun.

• Avoid placing the cooler on hot surfaces. If unavoidable, place a towel beneath it for protection.

• Keep the cooler away from harsh chemicals, acids, and alkali to prevent damage to the materials.

• When cleaning, do not use boiling water, as it can damage the cooler.

• Avoid submerging your DAZE cooler in water to prevent water from seeping into the insulation.

• Occasionally apply an even amount of provided lubricant on the zipper to ensure smooth operation.

• Do not place the cooler near a fire or open flames, as it can damage the materials.

• When cleaning your DAZE Cooler, never use a hard bristle or wire brush, as it can damage the fabric.

• Never use bleach on your DAZE Cooler, as it can cause discoloration and damage to the materials.

Remember, don't wait to clean your cooler! The longer you wait, the harder it will be to clean, as stains, odors, and mildew can set in. Empty all remaining contents before cleaning. Create a mixture of warm water and dish soap, then use a soft sponge to scrub down the cooler thoroughly. Rinse all parts with clean water.

After cleaning, don't forget to dry your cooler properly. Leave the cooler unzipped and open for up to 48 hours to ensure it is completely dry before storing it away.

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